ufixed main logo Computer Services
info@ufixed.co.uk   Call:  07786494866

HAVING A PROBLEM WITH YOUR Computer, Mobile Phone, Broadband internet connection, system set-up or a computer virus?

Then we can help. Chances are we've been able to help one of your neighbours!

No confusing jargon - in simple terms we explain and advise on the problem and all the available solutions. Using a "repair rather than just replace" approach means costs are reduced to both our customers - and to the environment.

WE ARE A LOCAL BRIGHTON & HOVE based business with strong ties to the community.

Like you, we enjoy working with people who uphold their appointments, keep us up to date with progress, and charge sensible and competitive rates.

Most of our customers come to us by word-of-mouth.

We believe this is the highest compliment and demonstrates our commitment to customer service.


Our Microsoft and vendor certified technicians can strip, clean and recondition all makes of computer.

We can upgrade or install additional components such as system memory, graphics cards etc. Moving to a modern solid-state drive (SSD) will make a huge performance difference - start up times can be halved!

Make your slow computer laptop or tablet as fast as when you bought it!

Please call us and have a chat

- it's unlikely we can't at least offer some advice

image of scope over keyboard
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